§ A208-4. Complaints; investigations.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    All complaints will be in writing and notarized using the form provided by the township. All information pertinent to the charges will be included. Complaints of acts of sexual harassment and retaliation that are in violation of the sexual harassment policy will be taken seriously and investigated. A complaint need not be limited to someone who was the target of harassment or retaliation. Anyone who has observed sexual harassment or retaliation should report it to his or her immediate supervisor. In the event that it would be inappropriate to report such concerns to one's immediate supervisors, the report should be made to the Board of Commissioners. In the event that a female employee would prefer to report a concern about sexual discrimination or harassment to another female, another female employee of the township is designated as the proper person to receive such communications.
    Only those who have an immediate need to know, including the person to whom a report was made, the alleged target of harassment or retaliation, the alleged harasser or retaliator and any witnesses, will or may find out the identity of the complainant. All parties contacted in the course of an investigation will be advised that all parties involved in a charge are entitled to respect and that any retaliation or reprisal against an individual who is an alleged target of harassment or retaliation, who has provided evidence in connection with a complaint, is a separate actionable offense and subject to discipline under this policy.
    Cooperation. An effective sexual harassment policy requires the support and example of personnel in positions of authority. Patterson Township agents of employees who engage in sexual harassment or retaliation or who fail to cooperate with township-sponsored investigations of sexual harassment or retaliation may be severely sanctioned by suspension or dismissal. By the same token, officials who refuse to implement remedial measures, obstruct the remedial efforts of other township employees and/or retaliate against sexual harassment complainants or witnesses may be immediately censured.
    A special committee of the Board of Commissioners appointed by the President will take testimony of the accuser and any witnesses offered in support of the charge; the accuser and the accused will be provided an opportunity to review and respond to the charges for accuracy and/or clarification. The investigation will then proceed to validate or dismiss the allegations. In either case, both accuser and accused will have the right of appeal, if requested in writing within ten (10) days of the determination and forwarded to the special committee. Upon completion of their hearing and factual review, they may recall witnesses or take other steps as they determine.
    The appeal panel will communicate its determination in writing to the parties and copies to the Board of Commissioners. The township will then consider the issue closed.
    All complaints, investigations, hearings, appeals, etc., associated with sexual harassment charges will be forwarded to the Township Solicitor for review and recommendations on an ongoing basis.